Welcome to the

Sunshine Boys

Golf Association

About the Sunshine Boys

For those of you who are not members of the Sunshine Boys, we are a group of avid golfers of various levels of ability. Each Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the months of April through November, weather permitting, we get together for a little spirited competition and comradery. Our home course is Pheasant Run Golf Club in Canton, Michigan, one of the premier municipally owned golf facilities in Michigan. While participation in our events is limited to members and their guests, we do welcome new members on a limited basis who share the same values and love for the game of golf as we do. If you are interested in joining the group, please click "Contact Us" on the menu bar below and send us an email. Sandbaggers need not apply. We are all about good fellowship and fun.

2024 SunshineBoys Golf Outing

The team of Bill Parron, Joe Bobby, Kirk Harvath and Chuck Kallil won the event with a score of 56. The closest to the pins were won by Lochinski, Bricker, Kanaan and Akers. Three skins were awarded, one each to Zydecki's team, Parron's team and Maltese's team. Great fun had by all.

Tournament Results Content - Administration Page

Tournament Results Content - Record

Tournament Results Content - Record Fields

News/History Content - Administration Page

News/History Content - Record

News/History Content - Record Fields





Membership is by Invitation only

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Member Login

Membership Rules

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Membership List

FirstName LastName Handicap Street City State ZipCode HomeNumber CellNumber WorkNumber EmailAddress

Membership Database Administration Page

Member Record

Member Record Fields
First Name:
Last Name:


Home Number:
Cell Number:
Work Number:

MID UserName PassWord UserType FirstName LastName Handicap Street City State ZipCode HomeNumber CellNumber WorkNumber EmailAddress EmailAddress

Register for a Tee Time

Tee times for the current month are listed on the Schedule page. To access the schedule and sign up for a tee time, you must first log in. Enter your user name and password on the right and click on the Log in button.

The tee time schedule lists all available tee times. Locate the date of your choice and click the signup button to the right of that date. Your name will appear below the chosen tee time along with any other members that have signed up for the same tee time.

Schedule Login

Scheduling Policy

The Sunshine Boys strongly urge you to use the tee time scheduler every time you play and to register as early as possible. Your cooperation helps us to ensure that we have an adequate number of tee times on a given day, arrange teams and determine the format well in advance of the start of play. It is our goal to have all of our computer savvy members use this service every time they wish to join us for a round of golf.

Don't be the guy who shows up at the last minute and causes the game to be adjusted to accommodate you.

Tee Time Schedule

Tee Time Signup Administration Page

Tee Time Record

Tee Time Record Fields
Date & Time:

Contact Information

Sunshine Boys Golf Association.

Event Chairman - David Sjoberg
Email David

Website Admin - Robert A. Pollice
Email Robert


Pheasant Run Golf Club
46500 Summit Parkway, Canton, MI.

Map to Pheasant Run Golf Club.

Technical Support

If you have questions or problems using the Sunshine Boys Golf Association web site, feel free to call Nelson Maldonado, Nado's Computer Services, at 734-729-3363.

Nado's Computer Services also provides technical support and repair services for personal and business computers.

Privacy Policy

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E-mail: info@sunshineboys.com